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The Chairs


The Chair of Design

When we talk of architecture, the first thing that comes to mind is Design. Thus inevitably the most consequential aspect of the architectural education system is Design. Design education is the base matrix on which the DNA of Architecture takes shape. This is an attempt towards giving the students of architecture a solid foundation for their future architectural endeavours.

It has been observed that there is a distinct disconnect between architectural education and architectural practice. The Chair of Design will bridge this gap. The aim of this Chair is to integrate architecture practice and academia and bring a fresh new perspective towards teaching design.

The Chair is responsible for training the teachers so that they can effectively implement the design teaching module, where they inspire rather than teach. The Chair will also be responsible for students orientation and schooling them on how to reap maximum knowledge from the teachers and the teaching module.

The above objectives can be carried out through Teachers Training Programs/Workshops and Student Orientation at the beginning of the Semester and a Final Review towards the end of Semester.

Ar. Subhash Chirde

Chair of Practice

Architecture as a field is multi-faceted. Heritage Conservation, Graphic Design, Landscape, Construction Management, Infrastructure, Architectural Law, Energy and Environment Consultancy, HVAC Consultancy, Urban Planning and Transportation consultancy, are just a few of its faces. This is an attempt towards giving the students a holistic exposure to the Profession.

It has been observed that there is a distinct disconnect between architectural education and architectural practice. The Chair of Practice will be responsible for liaising between these fields, academics and the industry.Thus the aim of this Chair will be to facilitate interaction between the students and the industry.

The Chair will be responsible for organising field and industrial visits to production units of various construction materials, and visit to live project sites. The Chair will also be responsible for inviting and arranging lectures, seminars, from the field and related industries.

The Chair of Art & Allied Fields

Architecture in itself does not stand alone but derives inspiration and is supported by many allied fields like, Interior design, Art, Sculpture, Fashion, Performing arts, Traditional arts and craft, Literature etc. This is an attempt towards giving the students an exposure to all these allied fields and broadening their horizon.

The Chair will bridge the gap with their expertise as practitioners of these allied fields and expose the students to a world outside architecture. Thus the aim of this Chair will be to integrate architecture and allied fields bringing in a fresh new perspective and source of inspiration.

The Chair will be responsible for training the teachers so that they can effectively implement the aims and objectives of the Chair. The Chair will also be responsible for inviting and arranging lectures, seminars, and workshops for students related to the said allied fields.