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M.Arch Landscape

Syllabus of Landscape Architecture

I Semester M.Arch.

  • Landscape Design Studio-I
  • Landscape Constructions and Services-I
  • Theory of Landscape-I
  • Elective-I (Discipline)
  • Elective-II (Open for Architecture)
  • Plants and Design
  • Natural Sciences

II Semester M. Arch.

  • Landscape Design Studio-II
  • Landscape Constructions and Services-II
  • Theory of Landscape-II
  • Elective-III (Discipline)
  • Foundation Course-I
  • Landscape Professional Practice-I
  • Research-I

III Semester M. Arch.

  • Landscape Design Studio-III
  • Landscape Management
  • Elective - IV (Open)
  • Foundation Course-II
  • Seminar

IV Semester M. Arch.

  • Professional Training
  • Colloquium
  • Dissertation


Elective I (Discipline)

  • 1. Landscape Architecture and Allied Art
  • 2. Universal Design
  • 3.Parametric Design in Landscape Architecture.

Elective II
(Open for Architecture)

  • 1. Waste Management
  • 2. Energy Conservation & Management
  • 3.Computer Aided Facilities Planning

Elective III (Discipline)

  • 1. Ecosystem Analysis
  • 2. Degraded and Disturbed Landscapes
  • 3.Sustainable Landscape Practices

Elective IV (Open)

  • 1.Green Building
  • 2. Man, Environment and Sustainability
  • 3. Advances on Renewable Energy Technology